On Generosity: God blessed me about a month ago when someone came in the office with a contribution. They were a family who had received benevolence help from our church about a year ago and wanted to give back to help someone else in need, as they had been helped. It was a blessing to not only receive the gift, but even more of a gift to hear their story of struggle, faith, love, healing and God’s blessing in their life. It reminded me that generosity is about so much more than money and Jesus was right when he said it’s more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). It’s a matter of trust. It’s a matter of faith. It’s a matter of the heart.
On Simplicity: We spent quite a bit of time in February here at church emphasizing simplicity and putting energy into living more simple lives. Well, "Make It Simple" is done with, but the journey continues, doesn’t it? The effort to simplify is almost a daily struggle, not just a once a year deal. So, evolving here to an effort I'm calling "Keep It Simple" and it is challenging to stay on the journey. And…it’s important to remember this is an integral part of spiritual formation and drawing closer to God. Frugality is one thing (and a good thing) but approached from a purely human standpoint, it can easily turn into a joyless experience, with God far removed from the process.
On Serving: A great opportunity to connect with each other during Lent is a weekly supper we do here at our church. Not only is it a connecting point for people who attend but also is a great gathering juncture for those whose serve the meal. A couple weeks ago we had about a dozen guys giving joyfully of their time and talents, most notably some homemade soups. In addition, there were two guys who even took the day off from work to do preparation and ensure everything needed was there and ready to go. A great example of generosity on their part particularly, hey that's using up one of their PTO days from work, a big investment of time!
On Giving: And finally, it’s tax time (like you hadn’t noticed) and many people might be

A great book: My friend Matt Bell just released a great book on a tough topic,

Have a great April!
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